Alternate Rules Survey – Your Input is needed

Published: April 19, 2020
HomeAlternate Rules Survey – Your Input is needed

The TSSA and the Ministry of Government and Commercial Services are looking for your (Operating Engineers) input regarding the proposed Alternate Rules. In the Fall of 2019, the government brought forward legislation (Bill 66) that paved the way for Alternate Rules to be created. These Alternate Rules, signed by the Chief Engineer, are outside of the current Operating Engineers Regulation 219/01. Please take the time to read and understand the implications surrounding Alternate Rules before answering the survey. The survey is only available till May 15, 2020.

Please encourage your co-workers and other Operating Engineers that you know to  participate in the survey as this is the only chance that you will have to provide your input in the future of public safety and maybe your job as determined by the implementation of Alternate Rules.

From the TSSA site.


In November 2016, the Ontario Ministry of Government and Consumer Services (MGCS) and the Technical Standards and Safety Authority (TSSA) brought together a volunteer panel of expert stakeholders. The objective of this panel was to provide recommendations for government’s consideration to support revisions to the Operating Engineers Regulation (O. Reg. 219/01), under the Technical Standards and Safety Act, 2002 (the Act). By the end of the consultations the panel identified a number of recommendations to maintain high-levels of public safety, while reducing undue burden on business.

Based on the panel’s recommendations the provincial government made changes to the Act in April 2019, to allow for the creation of alternate rules and will first be used for the Operating Engineers Regulation.

Alternate rules for the Operating Engineers regulation are intended reduce the regulatory burden on businesses and maintain or enhance public safety. Plant owners have the option to comply with the current regulation or opt-in to one of the safety paths outlined in the alternate rules.

TSSA is seeking your feedback through this online survey of the alternate rules.


Operating Engineers Alternate Rules survey site.

IPE position statement regarding Alternate Rules, Path 1 and 2 – IPE letter to the OE Advisory Council Chair

OE Alternate Rules Draft for public consultation

If you have any questions, please contact the IPE at any one of the email addresses below.

Area Director – Randy Purves (refrigeration representative on OE Advisory Council)

Area IPE Representative to OE Advisory Council – Ralf Klopf


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