Institute of Power Engineers

The Institute of Power Engineers (IPE) is a Canadian national not-for-profit group founded in 1940. Our mission is to promote safety, efficiency, and environmental awareness in power plant operations.

We are deeply committed to upholding our values and fostering their adoption within our industry and society. With a focus on responsible stewardship, we prioritize the safety and well-being of communities and society at large.

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Institute of Power Engineers | l’Institut des Ingénieurs en Énergie


Mission Statement

The Primary Mission of the Institute of Power Engineers is to advocate, partner, and promote initiatives that benefit communities and society at large. The Institute’s work is guided by the principles of safety, efficiency, and environmental awareness.


The Institute of Power Engineers unequivocally states that we do not offer or provide any of the following services or authorities: certification, education, licensing, tutoring, proctoring, or any educational services of any kind. Furthermore, we do not issue or provide any form of licensing, whether governmental or non-governmental, nor do we possess any authoritative powers in that regard. It is important to note that all information presented on our website is purely informational in nature and is intended solely for the benefit of those who are members of the IPE and those who engage with our site. Our organization operates as a not-for-profit entity with a steadfast commitment to promoting safety, efficiency, and environmental awareness within industry, communities and society at large.


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