Inter-provincial Power Engineer Curriculum Committee Annual Conference

Published: May 05, 2021
HomeInter-provincial Power Engineer Curriculum Committee Annual Conference

The IPECC will be holding their annual conference online again this year June 20 to 22. Go to 

Why attend?

The Inter-provincial Power Engineering Curriculum Committee (IPECC) meets once a year in various locations across Canada to discuss issues related to the inter-provincial curriculum. Participants in this Committee include training providers of all Power Engineering programs, chief provincial examiners, and interested industry representatives. These meetings provide a forum for industry to provide feedback to educational institutes and training providers on issues related to practicing Power Engineers.

With input from all stakeholders, this Committee will propose changes which are deemed necessary to enhance the training and skills of Power Engineers at all levels of competency. Changes or proposals made at these meetings are taken to the Standardization of Power Engineer Examinations Committee (SOPEEC) meeting for discussion and approval. SOPEEC presents these proposals to the Association of Chief Inspectors (ACI) for final approval and implementation.


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