3rd Class Maintenance/Shift Relief

Expires: April 16, 2025
HomeEmployment ClassifiedsFull Time3rd Class Maintenance/Shift Relief

We are looking for a Maintenance & Relief Shift Operator (Third class) to support our Real Property Planning and Management Branch. The incumbent would be someone who shares our core values of Integrity, Excellence, Respect and Creativity. Our first class heating plant operates with mainly a small team of Second Class Operating Engineers who are typically designated as either Shift Engineers or Maintenance Engineers. The Third Class Operating Engineer who is designated to perform the Maintenance Engineer role will work under the direction of the Assistant Chief Operating Engineer on an eight hour/day Monday to Friday work week and would be responsible for all maintenance related to the boiler room, compressor plant, gas turbine and steam distribution to the NRC Main campus located on Montreal Road.

For the full job description – 3rd Class Maintenance/Shift Relief

Contact Info

Business Name:
National Research Council of Canada

First Name:

Last Name:

1200 Montreal Rd.,
Ottawa, Ontario


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