NIPE – Opposes TSSA’s Path 2 – Media Release

Published: August 09, 2020

The National Institute of Power Engineers is genuinely concerned about the manner and speed by
which the TSSA is moving forward with a process which:

a) is not aligned with the vision of NPSAC, ACI and SOPEEC or the Labour Mobility act 2008
b) is not endorsed by the majority of stakeholders as evidenced through the public consultation,
and by the TSSA Operating Engineers Advisory Council (OEAC).

HomeNIPE – Opposes TSSA’s Path 2 – Media Release

IPE opposes TSSA Risk Task Group Path 1-2 and Alternate Rules in Ontario

To date, work on Path 1 has progressed only as far as presenting a basic concept of the risk
equation and the required modifiers that bring it close to the current “prescriptive” model at a
First Class Engineers Certificate Level.

Path 2 has seen the most work as it now has a complete guide available to lead any owner through
the process required to make an application to the TSSA . Despite various public pronouncements
regarding the approval of Path 2 RSMP, it did not receive acceptance and approval of the TSSA
Operating Engineers Advisory Council (OEAC) and through the public consultation TSSA industry stake
holders survey.


Media Release Letter


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